Here are some resources provided for you to so that you can see how to properly prepare your home and your family for a disaster situation. Please look through the different websites we have provided and look over our list of essentials for your disaster preparedness kit.
Emergency Preparedness Kit
Policy Information
Clothes and Shoes next to every bed in the home at all times
Flashlight next to every bed in the home
Exit Plan out of the home for entire family
Store the following outside your home in a large water tight container
Water and Dry or Canned Food, enough food for 3 days for entire family
Extra Cloths for the entire family
First Aid Kit and Prescription Medication
Copies of: Driver License, Passport, and Social Security Card
Tent and blankets for the entire family
Extra Propane Tanks for BBQ and a small cooking stoves
Water Purifier
Cooking Pots: plastic bowls, plates, silverware, glasses
Emergency Radio, Flashlights and Lanterns
Foldup Chairs
Extra Car Keys
Duct Tape
Extra Rope
Clear Plastic
Tools (small set)
Extra Gas
Siphoning Hose (to get fuel from a car if needed)